Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Rutilated Quartz - Rutile healing properties

Rutilated Quartz - Rutile 


Main esoteric and healing properties of the Rutilated Quartz.

Stimulates life force and positive energy, high conductivity power to penetrate the armor physical, mental and energetic, facilitates communication with the "I" superior, powerful healing and energizing, acts on all chakras.

It helps the body to assimilate nutrients, strengthens the immune system, prevents depression and slows aging. Strengthens positive thoughts, raises the vibrational frequencies and enable intuitive and clairvoyant faculties of every human being. Alleviates fear and stress. Clean and harmonizes the aura. Its healing properties are very powerful, transmuting reconstituting bodily ills and affected parties. Combining his strength with black tourmaline, helps dramatically discard destructive behavior patterns of others and do not concern us. It works fine on all chakras.

Contains small rutile needles, red or gloss black enamel, penetrating colorless quartz crystals. This mineral gives a special power to quartz and acts as a great health tonic in tissues and cells. Commercially known as "Venus Hair".

Properties for the body
It has the power to delay the aging process by disinfectants and energizing effects. Revitalizes and speeds healing, regeneration and reorganization of the cell structure. Useful in degenerative brain, heart failure, fatigue and tiredness.

Properties for the mind
It provides new energy to the sad and weary hearts. It gives strength to face reality and is very useful in depressions fatigue. It offers great protection against harmful electromagnetic fields and waves. Increases and directs the electromagnetic field vital aura reconstructs holes. Banishes fear.Excitement and relaxation. Ensure that helps reinvest the aging process and that takes away the fear. For enthusiasm and determination, it is recommended to support him in the throat chakra. 

In yoga exercises are advised to apply this gem on the brow chakra or third eye, to increase the degree of relaxation. Both in rocky quartz and in smoky quartz, we can find thin rutile fibers that entered the crystal when it was in liquid state. The rutile empowers other crystals where it is, it can be of various colors, and increases the vital energy. Also known as the stone of creativity. When it is attached to the rocky crystal quartz is called rutilated. Rutile deposits on the glass, means that the vibrations are extremely refined, making this stone possessing high healing power.

Other details about the stone
Primary Chakra:    All Chakras

Issues and Ailments (Physical): ADD/ADHD, Aging, Aging Process, AIDS/HIV, Alzheimer\'s Disease, Dementia, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Lungs, Parasites, Senile, Senility, Teeth, Thyroid, Tissue

Issues and Ailments (Emotional): Coping with Phobias, Decision Making, Discernment, Fear, Forgive, Forgiveness, Happiness, Motivation, Self Control

Issues and Ailments (Spiritual): Amplify Energy, Clairvoyance, Clear/Balance/Protect Aura, Communication with Spirit Guardians, Past Life Recall, Remembering Past Lives, Revitalizing Aura, Working with Angels.

 You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals

 For purchasing any products:
•    Rutile quartz products

The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books and taken from that.

Rhodonite Healing Properties


Rhodonite helps to balance the emotions and calm impatience. Rhodonite is a very supportive stone that works with the Heart Chakra to attract love and ground negative energies. Rhodonite allows one to see areas in their life that can be improved on without getting down on, criticizing or judging oneself.

Like Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite is often used for rediscovering one's inner gifts, as well as for bringing much-needed love into the world. Rhodonite can also help one to remember their soul-purpose of incarnation, and facilitate living from the heart. This lovely stone also helps one to remember that the best rewards come from serving the highest good. Carrying Rhodonite will help provide support to the Heart Chakra, which in turn will promote the service of the Spirit.

Rhodonite can assist one in discovering one's true passion, and learning brand new skills to enhance that passion, if necessary. Rhodonite encourages people to find ways to be of service to humanity and helps to draw in synchronization related to this goal. Rhodonite can enhance power in those who have truly altruistic intentions.

Rhodonite is a Heart and Root Chakra stone that helps one to process energies in these areas more efficiently. Use Rhodonite as a stone of power, to bring strength and vitality to the body and spirit so they can support higher vibrations needed for personal evolution.

Physically, Rhodonite is believed to support detoxification and healing of the organs, especially the liver. Rhodonite is a good stone to help healing ailments of the heart, lungs, and nervous system, and is also used to reduce swelling and inflammation. Tumbled Rhodonite can also be used to stimulate the metabolism. Use Rhodonite when feeling panicked and/or anxious. 

Other details about the stone
Astrological Sign:    Taurus

Numerical Vibration:    Number-9

Hardness:    5.5-to-6.5-Hardness

Color:  Black, Pink, Red

Primary Chakra:    Heart-Chakra

Color:    Black, Pink, Red

Issues and Ailments (Physical): Abuse, Alzheimers-Disease, Arthritis, Autoimmune-Disorders, Burns, Cancer, Deafness, Dementia, Ears, Ears-(Hearing), Emphysema, Eyes, Healing-Wounds, Heart, Immune-System, Immune-System-Strengthening, Impotent, Increase-Metabolism, Infertility, Insect-Bites, Joints, Laryngitis, Lungs, Memory, Metabolism, Panic-Attacks, Swollen-Joints, Throat, Ulcers

Issues and Ailments (Emotional): Dignity, Emotional-Balance, Forgive, Forgiveness, Friendship, Harmony, Kindness, Love, Panic-Attacks, Passion, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, Self-Love

Issues and Ailments (Spiritual): Heart-Chakra, Insight, Meditation, Meditative-State, Unconditional-Love

A Grade: Nice pink color with black spotting, opaque, 10% - 25% matrix

B Grade: Poor pink color with black spotting, opaque, and/or > 25% matrix.

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals

For purchasing any products:
•    Rhodonite products 

The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books and taken from that.

Rhodochrosite Healing Properties


Assists Deep Emotional Healing
Rhodochrosite is a strong stone to aid emotional healing. It encourages you to feel love for yourself... and its energy will assist you in meditation, to reach a state of joy and sublime happiness.

It's energy may stimulate your inner child... and bring a deep childlike happiness and joy into your life. It aids you to bring deep forgotten memories to the surface for healing.

Why Would You Use It
Rhodochrosite is a powerful heart chakra stone... and like most heart chakra stones vibrates with the energy of love.

This interesting looking stone has a strong heart based energy.... and is an excellent stone to support and heal the emotions.

In this pink crystal, the love energy is directed towards your own self. It is a particularly active stone energetically, to heal you, if you don't have a good opinion of yourself.

It also enhances your courage to look at those things that you have been unable to face previously... so that you can make changes in your life. It helps to harmonize the male and female elements... so if there is too much either female or male aspects, this energy will help to create a harmonious and balanced personality.

For women who have suffered from sexual abuse... it is a strong stone to heal you. It encourages you to forgive yourself... and to allow yourself to feel acceptance of your role in what happened to you.

How To Use Rhodochrosite
While meditating with Rhodochrosite, you may reach a state of sublime happiness... and make contact with the golden light... and bring through the intense joy that this enables.

By using this stone in meditation at the solar plexus, it may help you to clear traumatic inner child emotional problems or even those that originate in a past life.

As an excellent way to use it is in meditation... having a piece that you can hold in your hand is a very beneficial way to use it.

The vibration of this lovely stone works both within the solar plexus chakra and the base or root chakra to help you to clear negative emotional energy that have been trapped there by things that happened to you.

This stone could gently bring up painful memories... and it will help you to face them... even if they are difficult to believe. Once you have cleared these issues... you may find that your creativity may be enhanced... as you allow your potential to blossom.

On the physical level it may help to relieve asthma and some other respiratory problems, and may assist blood circulation and normalize blood pressure.

Beautiful Rhodochrosite jewelry made from this stone is lovely to wear... and this is the easiest way to keep the energy on your body.

Wearing a pendant  or mala or bracelet will be helpful to boost its action within the heart chakra. As this will help you and make easy to find lovely.

Other Details about the stone
Primary Chakra:    Heart Chakra, Root Chakra

Color:    Brown, Pink, White, Yellow

Issues and Ailments (Physical): Aging-Process, Anorexia, Asthma, Autoimmune-Disorders, Bladder, Blood-Pressure, Bulimia, Cancer, Circulation, Colon, Eyes, Fingernails, Herpes, Infection, Infections, Kidney, Lungs, Memory, Migraine, Ovarian-Cancer, Prostate, Reproductive-Organs, Respiratory, Thyroid, Townails, Veins

Issues and Ailments (Emotional): Awareness, Calming, Compassion, Creativity, Denial, Depression, Despression, Emotional-Balance, Emotional-Pain, Fears, Forgiveness, Kindness, Love, Passion, Positive-Attitude, PTSD, Reduce-Anxiety, Relationships, Release, Self-Blame, Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, Sexual-Abuse, Stress, Truth

Issues and Ailments (Spiritual): Amplify, Aura-Clearing, Balances-Yin, Cleanses-Aura, Dreams, Heart-Chakra, Higher-Consciousness, Soulmate, Unconditional-Love

Extra Grade:Beautiful pink color with minimal white banding, translucent, < 10% matrix

A Grade: Nice pink color with some white banding, partially translucent, < 10% - 25% matrix

B Grade: Poor pink color with lots of white banding, opaque, and/or > 25% matrix

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals

For purchasing any products:
•    Rhodochrosite products  

The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books and taken from that.

Red Jasper HEaling Properties

Red Jasper

Uses and Purposes
Wear or carry Red Jasper to alleviate stress and reconnect with Earth’s grounding energies. Its cleansing effect eliminates negativity, returning it to its source, and stabilizing the aura. It is an ideal worry or rubbing stone for soothing the nerves and restoring balance.

Red Jasper is marvelous for clearing the mind during meditation, prayer or contemplation. Its high spiritual energy increases focus and endurance during long ceremonies or practices, and is helpful in establishing new spiritual disciplines. It is an excellent stone for shamanic journeying and astral travel, and provides vivid dream recall.

A valuable stone of protection, Red Jasper guards against physical threats and assists in situations of danger. Keep in the car to prevent accidents, theft or road rage, and place in the home or office to absorb electromagnetic and environmental pollution and radiation. Wear two or three items of Red Jasper jewelry or a pouch of three small tumble stones to shield against psychic attack or when working with spirit rescue, potentially violent or psychologically disturbed individuals.

Red Jasper is a stone of passion and a token of all who consummate love. It encourages control in all things, and thus calms sexual aggressiveness, promotes sexual compatibility, and enhances tantric sex. It may assist women in overcoming a jealous love rival or unfair opposition to a relationship.

Red Jasper also stimulates passion in one’s creative work, manifesting new ideas and freshness, and the energy to continue a project even after the initial excitement has dwindled. Its energy brings focus and self-mastery. Red Jasper is the crystal of actors, actresses and all connected with expressive and performing arts in becoming more sensitive to their audiences.

Red Jasper may be used as a professional support stone for all jobs requiring physical strength and stamina, from police officers to trades workers, waitresses and waiters, and other high activity professionals. It also brings energy, alertness and emotional endurance to accountants, computer operators, military personnel and all who must continuously be focused and on task. 

Physical Healing Energy
Red Jasper helps regulate the metabolic energies of the body, providing strength and vitality, and increasing physical stamina. It is particularly beneficial for those needing extra support during prolonged illness, injury or hospitalization. Because of its ability to help generate muscle tissue, it may be useful in weight lifting and bodybuilding, and to enhance the effects of exercise.

Red Jasper is thought to support the circulatory system, detoxifying the blood and removing blockages of the liver and bile ducts. It strengthens the heart and enhances circulation, and may be useful in treating anemia, exhaustion, and heart conditions, including recovery of bypass or transplant surgeries.

Red Jasper has been used to increase libido and fertility, especially if undergoing treatment for conception. It is believed to help stabilize pregnancies and promote robust fetal growth, and to facilitate safe childbirth.

Jasper is beneficial in staunching blood flow, particularly nosebleeds, and also assists in reducing hemorrhoids. It soothes epilepsy and gout, and may be used to treat the sensory loss of smell.

Emotional Healing Energy
Red Jasper is a stone of empowerment, bringing strength to resist emotional domination by others, and the courage to overcome domestic violence. It also sustains those in the process of healing and recovering from violent sexual experiences. Red Jasper is a perfect stone of courage and strength for a child being teased or bullied at school. It is a bright, tangible reminder and a great confidence builder.

Red Jasper can re-activate a passion for living when one is feeling blue or unemotional, apathetic, or spiritually defunct, and is commonly used to spark sexual or creative energies. It assists in identifying one’s personal ideas and beliefs about sexual expression or orientation, and helps release shame or guilt around these issues. Red Jasper also helps maintain balance and emotional stability during difficult times, like periods of remission during a serious illness or in long treatments where the outcome is uncertain.

Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy
All Jaspers connect to the Earth and may be placed on the Base Chakra to stabilize and energize the physical body. Laying it over each chakra in turn, will cleanse, boost and realign the chakras and aura, balancing yin and yang energies as well as aligning the physical, emotional and mental bodies with the etheric realm.

Red Jasper stimulates the Base, or Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body. When physically out of balance the symptoms manifest themselves as lethargy, low levels of activity, low enthusiasm, and a need for constant stimulation. When spiritual energies are out of balance, one may feel flighty, disconnected from reality or distant. When the Base Chakra is in balance, the physical body regains its strength and stamina, and the spiritual energy is rekindled in the form of security and sense of one’s own power. It often leads to independence and spontaneous leadership.

Spiritual Energy
Red Jasper is a remarkable crystal for awakening the energetic kundalini “serpent” dwelling at the base of the spine. The spiraling of this energy up through the body provides a powerful spiritual experience as it activates, clears and strengthens each of the chakras, infusing them with vital Life Force energies. 

Red Jasper attunes to the frequency of fairness and offers assistance to anyone trying to rectify an unjust situation. Meditating with this stone provides insight into the best way to accomplish this, and helps bring future problems to light before they become too big. Red Jasper’s energy communicates the message that all choice is singularly one’s responsibility, and inspires one not to revisit old patterns, but to move forward in all things.

Color Energy
Red Jasper brings a self-confidence built on fearlessness, a call to action and excitement. It raises our enthusiasm and speeds up our metabolism. Red reflects the color of passion, energy, and life. It motivates. It is a very strong color - the color of fire and blood. Dark Red crystals embody strong, deep feelings, durable energy and quiet passion. It is a masculine color, particularly useful for increasing devotion and seeing the seriousness of life.

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals

For purchasing any products:
•    Red Jasper products  

The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books and taken from that.

Pyrite Healing Properties


Introduction and Meaning
Pyrite is often called “Fool’s Gold,” though there is nothing foolish about this mineral. Within its gleaming beauty is a stone of hidden fire, one that can be sparked to life by striking it against metal or stone. An Earth element, it also resonates with Fire energy, symbolizing the warmth and lasting presence of the sun and the ability to generate wealth by one’s own power. It is masculine in nature, a stone of action, vitality and will, and taps into one’s abilities and potential, stimulating the flow of ideas. It brings confidence and the persistence to carry things through to completion.

Pyrite is a unique protector, drawing energy from the Earth through the physical body and into the aura creating a defensive shield against negative energies, environmental pollutants, emotional attack and physical harm. It also supports one with a spirit of boldness and assertive action when protecting others, the planet, or in standing up for important issues of community. It stimulates the Second and Third Chakras, enhancing will power and the ability to see behind facades to what is real.

The name Pyrite derives from the Greek pyr or pyros, meaning “fire” for its ability to emit sparks when pieces are struck together or against a hard surface.

Pyrite is most noted for its nickname, “Fool’s Gold,” the glittering rock notoriously mistaken by naïve prospectors as real gold. It was also used by dishonest mine owners to salt their mines for the purpose of convincing people they were still gold-producers. Although similar in hue, Pyrite is lighter in color than Gold, and is harder and more brittle. It can’t be scratched with a fingernail or knife. Pyrite is also referred to as Iron Pyrite, and in Germany, “Cat’s Gold.”

Pyrite Uses and Purposes
Pyrite is a protective, shielding stone and is excellent to wear or carry as an amulet to deflect harm and danger. It is especially helpful when one is away from home or performing hazardous work.

Pyrite guards against ongoing control, criticism and manipulation by a partner, parent or employer, lending the power to resist without becoming angry or upset, changing the balance of power.

A piece of Pyrite in the home or workplace energizes the area around it and imparts an immediate increase in vitality. It overcomes intellectual fatigue due to overwork and tiredness of the nervous system by stimulating blood flow to the brain, increasing mental clarity, focus and recall.

Pyrite inspires creativity in art, mathematics, science, architecture and many disciplines, especially those that recognize the inherent perfection and harmonious symmetry of nature and the universe. It stirs the qualities of ambition, commitment and perseverance, and is an ideal stone for students.

In the workplace, Pyrite encourages leadership qualities and is an ally for managers and those working toward promotion.

Pyrite enhances the protective and assertive male energies in both men and women. It boosts women’s self-worth and helps overcome tendencies toward servitude and inferiority. For men, it instills a feeling of confidence in one’s masculinity and supports the enthusiastic expression of male eroticism.

Physical Healing Energy
Pyrite supports the ideal of perfect health and well-being, drawing on universal energies to activate the nourishing energies of the body. In healing it often gets fast results, and can be beneficial in cases where no resolution seems possible. It is known for bringing out the cause of diseases for examination, and is helpful in getting to the root of karmic and psychosomatic dis-ease.

This mineral shields the body from environmental pollutants, as well as contagious diseases. It may be useful in fighting colds, flu and other viruses, skin diseases and fungal infections, and may be beneficial in treatments for highly infectious diseases. It has also been used to lessen fever and reduce inflammation, and is an excellent stone of protection for caregivers and medical workers.

Pyrite increases oxygen supply to the blood and strengthens the respiratory and circulatory systems. It is beneficial to the lungs, helping to alleviate asthma and bronchitis, and may be used in treating blood disorders. It assists in treatments of the bones, both in structure and cell formation, and helps prevent and repair DNA damage.

Pyrite also stimulates proper endocrine function and is excellent for combating male impotence and infertility.

Emotional Healing Energy
Pyrite is a crystal of positive energy, and is extremely helpful for melancholy and thoughts fixed on misfortune and despair. It relieves anxiety and frustration, and as a mirror to the self, reveals the causes behind these emotions and promotes a search for solutions. Pyrite also allows one to see beyond pretense, to what truly lies behind words and actions. It provides the insight that often things that disturb us in others are also present in us.
Pyrite’s energy is empowering to the spirit, encouraging one to overcome fears and take action. It increases one’s will to accomplish whatever tasks one sets out to do, and can be used to bring one out of one’s shell, becoming more dynamic and confident.

 Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy
Pyrite is particularly stimulating to the Third, or Solar Plexus Chakra, the energy distribution center and the chakra of relationships. This chakra is located between the ribcage and navel, and controls the immune and digestive systems. When balanced physically, we have strength to fight infections, are free of allergic reactions, and are able to use the nutrients we ingest. When the Solar Plexus is out of balance spiritually, we feel fear - of the disappointment or displeasure of others, or to subordinating our life and pleasures to the will of others. Spiritually, when the solar plexus is in balance we are free to interpret the world through our own thoughts and emotions and not live in fear of violating the dictums of others.

Golden Pyrite also identifies with the Sacral Chakra, or Second Chakra, located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body. It is the center of the Life Force of the body, and controls the flow of information from the body to the mind and from the mind to the body. Gut feelings, intuition, and other "non-linear" communication comes from this chakra. When it is out of balance the symptoms manifest themselves as confusion, over dependency on others, repression of feelings, inability to feel joy, fear of sensuality or sex, and frustration. When the Sacral Chakra is in balance one has grace, feels pleasure in life, and experiences the flexibility to "go with the flow" and do so in good spirit.

Spiritual Energy
Pyrite is an excellent stone of manifestation, allowing one to draw high-frequency energy into the physical body and utilizing it to take action in creating abundance for one’s life. Its frequency stimulates the creative flow of ideas and concepts, and helps one embrace their innate abilities and potential.

Pyrite can also be used in body layouts for balancing polarities and creating harmony within the aura. It should be placed on the Third Chakra, in the hands, and at the Base Chakra to anchor one’s auric field firmly in the body, in proper alignment for optimal functioning of the spiritual self in the physical world.

Color Energy
Pyrite reflects the energy of Gold, bringing success, enthusiasm, happiness, and power. It is traditionally the color of kings, riches, and the sun. Gold touches a deep part of our minds, conjuring up images of mystical places and adventure. Light Gold crystals provide us with the simple pleasures of life - cheerfulness and contentment. Dark Gold crystals have a deeper, more pronounced sense of devotion and commitment, providing us with a mature enthusiasm and ability to share a lifelong commitment of care and love.

Other Details about the pyrite stone:
Primary Chakra:    All Chakras

Astrological Sign:    Leo

Numerical Vibration:    Number 3

Hardness:    6 to 6.5 Hardness

Color:    Gold

Issues and Ailments (Physical):    Arthritis, Athletic Ability, Bones, Brain, Bronchitis, DNA Repair, Lungs, Memory, Stamina, Viral Infections, Viruses

Issues and Ailments (Emotional):Chaos, Frustration, Happiness, Positive Energy, Will power, Willpower

Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):  Abundance, Communication with Consciousness, Solar Plexus Chakra

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals

For purchasing any products:
•    Pyrite Stone products   

The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books and taken from that. 

Picture Jasper Healing Properties

Picture Jasper

Highly attuned to the Earth’s electromagnetic fields and energy systems, Picture Jasper provides a remarkable ability during meditation to merge with the consciousness of Earth. It allows access to the vast records stored within the planet’s mineral data base, and may be used to view the world’s history and connect with the energy of sacred sites and ancient civilizations. It encourages ecological responsibility, and acts as a reminder that one is not here on the physical plane simply for oneself, but to bring joy and substance to others.

A nurturing, protective stone, Picture Jasper brings comfort and alleviates fear, stimulating not only the Base Chakra in providing physical and spiritual energy for the body, but also activates the Third Eye Chakra enhancing visualization. It instills a sense of proportion and harmony, enlivening one’s creativity and initiative, and is a marvelous talisman for bringing hidden emotions to the surface for healing.

Picture Jasper Uses and Purposes
Picture Jasper is highly beneficial for locating ley lines and power points of the Earth’s meridian system for assistance when setting up energy grids, positioning a home or other new construction, or for maximizing energy transfer in healing or psychic endeavors. It is particularly resonant with Earth-centered magical practices and ceremonies employing elemental forces.

Picture Jasper inspires creative visualization and is ideal for overcoming writer’s or artist’s block. It is an excellent talisman for psychic artists who paint spirit guides.

Picture Jasper encourages initiative and is particularly helpful in all business pursuits. Wear or carry this stone to inspire confidence, creative vision and practical application in starting your own business.

Wear or carry Picture Jasper when traveling abroad, especially for backpacking or living in other countries. Exchange Picture Jasper with a partner if you are from different cultures to help fit into each other’s worlds.

An ecological stone, Picture Jasper is an ideal support for occupations in conservation and alternative forms of energy. Use in the home or workplace to alleviate geopathic, environmental and technological pollution and radiation.

Picture Jasper is superb for healing and sustaining the physical and emotional bodies during injury, prolonged illness or hospitalization. Its Earth energies bring gradual strength and renewed vitality, while helping one to understand and endure these frustrating or painful experiences.

Use Picture Jasper for cutting down or quitting smoking. It removes harmful toxins from the system over time, and increases the resolve needed to overcome the cravings and emotional triggers that perpetuate the behavior.

Jaspers are believed to increase fertility and are conducive to happy pregnancies. Picture Jasper is particularly protective during childbirth.

Picture Jasper is an opaque, microcrystalline variety of Quartz with extraordinary color banding, veining and depositional flow patterns created by petrified or silicate mud and sometimes dendritic inclusions. On cut or polished stones, these variations appear as detailed images or “scenes.” Because of its unique landscape patterns and wide range of colors, Picture Jasper is one of the most sought after and famous varieties. It occurs in nodules or as fillings in fissures and may be found the world over, usually named for the specific localities where it is mined. Picture Jasper’s earthy colors are due to high iron content and other minerals or impurities that create its artistry. It forms most often in shades and combinations of brown, gold- to reddish-brown, black, blue, tan or ivory, though other colors may be present.

Other details about the Picture Jasper:
Primary Chakra:    Root Chakra

Astrological Sign:    Capricorn, Leo

Numerical Vibration:    Number 8

Hardness:    7 Hardness

Color:    Brown, Cream, Red, Tan

Issues and Ailments (Physical): Fear, Gall-Bladder, Immune-System, Kidneys, Muscle-Spasms, Skin, Smoking, Strengthen-Bones, Urinary

Issues and Ailments (Emotional): Confidence, Consolation, Earth-Healing, Stress/Tension

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals

For purchasing any products:
•    Picture Jasper products  

The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books and taken from that.

Lapiz Lazuli Healing Properties

Lapis Lazuli

Made from a combination of minerals, including Lazurite, Calcite, and Pyrite, Lapis Lazuli is said to have been in existence since the birth of time, and was used by ancient Hebrews on ceremonial robes.

Lapis Lazuli reminds us of the power of the spoken word and is one of the best stones to use when opening and balancing the Throat Chakra. Lapis Lazuli helps to foster full verbal expression, and clears problems caused by “swallowing your tongue”. Lapis encourages clear, truthful expression when sharing information with others, including an easier voicing/communication of anger.

A Third Eye Chakra opener, Lapis Lazuli connects the physical and celestial kingdoms. Deeply peaceful, Lapis provides wisdom into mystical realms and connection with spiritual guardians. Lapis Lazuli can be a key to spiritual attainment. Lapis also protects against psychic attack, shielding negative energy and returning any negative vibrations to their source. Lapis Lazuli will enhance dream work and spiritual journeying.

Physically, Lapis Lazuli helps with the immune system, thyroid and nervous system. It can alleviate headaches, migraines, fevers and pain.

Other details about the Lapiz Lazuli Stone:
Primary Chakra:    Throat-Chakra

Color:    Gold, Gray, Indigo, White

Issues and Ailments (Physical): Aches-and-Pains, AIDS/HIV, Asthma, Birthing, Bone-Marrow, Bones, Brain, Brain-Injury, Childbirth, Chronic-Pain, Coma, Cramping, Deaf, Delivery, Detoxifying-the-Body, Dizziness, Ears, epilepsy, Eyes, Fainting, Headaches, Hearing-Loss, Herpes, Immune-System, Immune-System-Strengthening, Insomnia, Labor, Labor-Pains, Laryngitis, Menopause, Menstrual, menstruation, Migraine, Migraines, Pain, Panic-Attacks, Pregnancy, Shingles, Sleep, Sleep-Apnea, Throat, Toothache, Vertigo, Vomiting.

Issues and Ailments (Emotional): Abuse, Anxiety, Calm, Critical-Attitude, Depression, Despair, Emotional-Healing, Grief, Hope, Melancholy, O.C.D., Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder, Panic-Attacks, Perseverance, Reducing-Stress, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, Stress/Tension, Suicidal-Thoughts.

Issues and Ailments (Spiritual): Accept-Reincarnation, Appreciation, Communication-With-Spirits, Etheric-Balance, Intuition, Karma, Meditation, Meditative-State, Protection, Psychic-Attack, Psychic-Opener, Psychic-Protection, Spiritual-Upliftment, Third-Eye-Chakra

Extra Grade:    Beautiful, cobalt blue, gold and white flecks and streaks, no matrix
A Grade:    Nice blue, gold and white flecks and streaks, no matrix
B Grade:    Poor Blue and/or >25% Matrix

 You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals

For purchasing any products:
•    Lapiz Lazuli products 

The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books and taken from that.

Howlite Healing Properties


Howlite is one of the “attunement stones”  which link the user to higher spiritual consciousness.  Howlite opens and prepares the mind to receive the energies and wisdom of attunements.

Howlite is a lovely stone to use when needing to reduce anxiety, tensions and stress.  Howlite can be used to facilitate awareness, encourage emotional expression and assist in the elimination of pain, stress and/or rage.

Howlite will calm and soothe the emotions, slow the overactive mind and help to achieve a deep and restful sleep.  Howlite can help to access/retrieve wisdom during the dream state and bring it back into consciousness upon waking.

Howlite brings mental awareness, both to current and past-life issues, and facilitates a calm communication of these issues.  Keep a piece of Howlite in your pocket to absorb anger and negative energy.  Meditating with Howlite can help one to connect with the higher realms, allowing for greater communication of higher frequencies into the higher chakras, to be assimilated by the unconscious mind, which helps one to slowly remove the veils blocking truth.  Howlite strengthens positive character traits, removing selfishness, rude behaviour, and greed.

Physically, Howlite can help with the absorption of calcium into the bones and teeth, and can balance the emotions.  Howlite also assists in relaxing and releasing muscular tension.

Other details about the Howlite stone:
Hardness:    2.5-to-3.5-Hardness

Color:    Colorless, White-with-Gray-streaks

Mineral Class:    Borates-Mineral-Class

Issues and Ailments (Physical):    Bones, osteoporosis, Skeletal-System, Teeth

Issues and Ailments (Emotional):    Anger, Anxiety, Inspiration, Rage, Reduce-Anxiety, Unselfishness

Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):    Artistic-Expression, Aura, Connecting-with-Spirit-Guides, Maximizes-Energy-Flow, Past-Life-Recall, Remembering-Past-Lives

Extra Grade:    Beautiful snow white color with gray markings, opaque, < 10% matrix
A Grade:    Nice white color with gray markings, opaque, 10% - 25% matrix
B Grade:    Poor white color, with/without gray markings, opaque, and/or > 25% matrix

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals
The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books and taken from that.