Saturday, July 21, 2018

Fire Agate

Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Fire Agate

Fire Agate, known as the spiritual flame of absolute perfection, carries a great mystery locked inside its deep brown crystal. You need only touch the stone and fiery embers ignite. Peer into its depths and flames leap within its chambers. Study it closely and it will almost show you its secrets. Almost.

Fire Agate is a variety of Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family. It has a translucent deep reddish-brown base, with flashes of orange, red, green and gold that appears as living flames within the gem. Its iridescent colors are caused by light interference on thin layers of iron oxide or limonite crystals within the Chalcedony.

Historically, Fire Agate was used in alchemy because it was believed to contain the essence of fire. In many traditions sacred to fire deities, it encouraged timid adults and shy children to speak up and not be ignored or bullied. It is a stone of integrity, encouraging high standards of behavior in self and others, and promotes passion in love and in life. 

Metaphysically, Agate has a lower intensity and vibrates to a slower frequency than other stones, but is highly regarded as a stabilizing and strengthening influence. Fire Agate provides a steady, vibrant energy that stimulates a zest for living. It awakens the lower chakras and lights one's inner fires of Life Force, creativity, sexuality and will. It brings back to focus the Divine blueprint of one's life purpose and increases the pleasures in everyday life

Fire Agate Uses and Purposes

Fire Agate helps manifest Divine guidance through action, and assists one in taking decisive action in unclear circumstances. It increases passion, emotions, and reconnection to one's deepest desires, and provides the courage to take risks to fulfill those promptings. It is ideal to banish the stupor of a humdrum routine, and when one is wearing Fire Agate, it can also stir the emotions of others, sometimes facilitating attraction between mates.

Fire Agate can stimulate sexual and physical energy, increasing stamina and circulation, and is helpful in treating sexual imbalances, including impotence or fear of sexual intimacy.
A stone of creativity and expression, Fire Agate is particularly helpful in overcoming artistic blocks of all kinds.

Fire Agate protects home and family if placed on an outside sill. In the workplace, it is a crystal of ambition and high achievement. As a support stone, Fire Agate is a safeguard over water for airplane and airline workers, and ensures protection around high energy for electricians.

Agate promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence.

Agate stops the burning desires for things we do not need, and assists those juggling commitments or multiple jobs. It helps writers express ideas in marketable form, and helps young children learn to walk and not fall as they get older.Agate also promotes marital fidelity.

Fire Agate Physical Healing Energy

Fire Agate is beneficial in the treatment of poor circulation, lethargy or lack of energy, or depression. Agate enhances mental function by improving concentration, perception, and analytical abilities.

Fire Agate is useful in treating the endocrine system, the colon, and increasing metabolism. It also promotes good night vision.

Fire Agate resonates with the triple-burner meridian and can be applied to bring it back into balance. It is particularly useful in treating hot flashes, and placed on the forehead can help reduce fever.

Placed on the abdomen or used as an elixir, Agate stimulates the digestive system and relieves gastritis. It is beneficial for the eyes, hollow organs such as the stomach, uterus, intestines, etc., and heals skin disorders and itching due to insect bites.

Agate is helpful to the heart and blood vessels. Wearing an Agate in the middle of the chest strengthens the cardiac muscle, and heals emotional disharmony that prevents acceptance of love.

Agate may also reduce the symptoms of epilepsy, and for some people guards against sleepwalking.

Fire Agate Emotional Healing Energy

Fire Agate has a deep connection to the earth and brings strong grounding energy. It calms, bringing security and trust, and support in difficult times. Its protective properties build a shield around the body against ill-wishes, returning the harm back to its source, so the source may understand its effects.

Fire Agate provides the motivation required to overcome harmful addictions, lending courage and confidence, and prevents exhaustion that often accompanies such changes.

Agate is beneficial in self-analysis and uncovering hidden circumstances that might interfere with well-being. It promotes self-acceptance and confidence, encouraging the speaking of one's own truth. Agate overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, by healing anger, fostering love, and lending the courage to start over. It is useful for any kind of trauma. 

Fire Agate Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy

Agate stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negative energies. Its cleansing effect is powerful at all levels.

The brown and red shades of Fire Agate stimulate the Base Chakra. The Base, or Root Chakra, is located at the base of the spine, and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body. When physically out of balance the symptoms will manifest themselves as lethargy, low levels of activity, low enthusiasm, and a need for constant stimulation. When its spiritual energies are out of balance, you will feel flighty, disconnected from reality, and distant. When the Base Chakra is in balance, the physical body regains its strength and stamina, and the spiritual energy is rekindled in the form of security and sense of one's own power. It often leads to independence and spontaneous leadership.

The gold and orange shades of Fire Agate identify with the Sacral Chakra, or Second Chakra, located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body. It is the center of the Life Force of the body, and controls the flow of information from the body to the mind and from the mind to the body. Gut feelings, intuition, and other "non-linear" communication comes from this chakra. When it is out of balance the symptoms will manifest themselves as confusion, over dependency on others, repression of feelings, inability to feel joy, fear of sensuality or sex, and frustration. When it is in balance you have grace, feel pleasure in life, find you are flexible and can "go with the flow" and do so in good spirit.

The green shades within Fire Agate are associated with the Heart Chakra, located near the center of the breastbone. It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment. When the heart chakra is out of balance you may feel either controlling or controlled in a relationship, and become critical of the little foibles of others. You may well find yourself having inappropriately strong emotional responses to everyday external stimuli. Green energy resolves blockages and re-balances the heart chakra, helping us understand our own needs and emotions clearly. We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes.

Fire Agate Spiritual Energy

Fire Agate represents the spiritual flame of absolute perfection, dispelling fear at the deepest level of the inner being. It links into the collective consciousness of the oneness of life, encouraging quiet contemplation of one's life experiences that lead to spiritual growth and inner stability.

Fire Agate aligns the etheric body with the physical, grounding and revitalizing the exchange of spiritual and physical energies within the self. The flow and process of this exchange is energizing to the soul as well as the organism. Fire Agate opens the channels of creativity so Divine inspiration can flow into one's activities and expressions.

Fire Agate Color Energy

Fire Agate embodies the rich, brown rays of the natural earth. It is the color influence of home, hearth, and nature, of comfort and connection. It lets you relax, reconnect, and regain your composure. It is a grounding stone. Brown crystals promote security and stability.
The red flashes within Fire Agate bring a self-confidence built on fearlessness. It reflects the color of passion, energy, and life. It motivates. It is a very strong color - the color of fire and blood. Dark Red crystals embody strong, deep feelings, durable energy and quiet passion.

The orange flashes within Fire Agate bring joy and friendship, pleasure, and family togetherness. It is a happy and sharing color, integrating the parts of our communal lives, bringing things and people together. Orange crystals embody physical pleasure and intimacy. In lighter shades, orange crystal promotes companionship and affection, while darker crystals deepen the sense of belonging and home.

The gold flashes within Fire Agate bring success, enthusiasm, happiness, and power. It is traditionally the color of kings, riches, and the sun. Gold touches a deep part of our minds, conjuring up images of mystical places and adventure. Light gold crystals provide us with the simple pleasures of life - cheerfulness and contentment. Dark gold crystals have a deeper, more pronounced sense of devotion and commitment, providing us with a mature enthusiasm and ability to share a lifelong commitment of care and love.

The green flashes within Fire Agate are growth crystals - a powerful conduit of the earth's Life Force of birth, development, and creation, and of the power of nature's constant renewal. Lighter green crystals promote spiritual growth and renewed commitment to a higher purpose. Those of a darker hue are talismans of physical growth and strength, and safety in travel.

Meditation with Fire Agate

Fire Agate provides an excellent crystal formation conducive for meditative focus. Traditionally used to connect fire elements and spirits, the mesmerizing movements within the crystal aid in relaxation, opening the mind to higher thought and inner truths.

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals


The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
Author Uma Sibey-Crystal Ball Gazing
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books. I always keep reading and surfing on internet also, so I have gather many information and also done practical experience about the crystal energy.
I have enjoyed the benefit of crystal healing, but any information on uses and properties included with this listing (which has been gathered from reputable sources, such as Judy Hall and Michael Gienger's books on crystal healing etc) do not, under any circumstances, constitute a claim on behalf of the Seller. The information given is not intended to act as a substitute for medical treatment, nor will any guarantees be given for any spiritual or metaphysical qualities.
Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones
Jennifer Altman, Gem and Stone: Jewelry of Earth, Sea, and Sky.
Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible
William T. Fernie, The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals
Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 1 and 2
George Frederick Kunz, The Curious Lore of Precious Stones
Florence Megemont, The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals
Dorothee L. Mella, Stone Power II
Melody, Love Is In The Earth.
Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment
Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones


Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Emerald

St. Hildegard of Bingen, the noted lithologist, declared, All the green of nature is concentrated within the Emerald. Representing youth in the age of man, the power of this lush crystal stirs the soul like the heart of spring, symbolizing hope and the future, renewal and growth. It is a Seeker of Love and a Revealer of Truth, inspiring an ongoing search for meaning, justice, compassion and harmony.

Called the Stone of Successful Love, Emerald opens and nurtures the heart and the Heart Chakra. Its soothing energy provides healing to all levels of the being, bringing freshness and vitality to the spirit. A stone of inspiration and infinite patience, it embodies unity, compassion and unconditional love. Emerald promotes friendship, balance between partners, and is particularly known for providing domestic bliss, contentment and loyalty. It was dedicated in the ancient world to the goddess Venus for its ability to insure security in love.

Emerald is also a stone of great vision and intuition, associated with the eyes and sight, long believed to foretell future events and reveal one’s truths. It is a stone of wisdom, enhancing memory and increasing mental clarity. It combines intelligence with discernment, and brings to the conscious mind what is unconsciously known. Emerald also increases focus and intent, activating psychic abilities and opening clairvoyance. Traditionally it was used as a protection against enchantment and spells.

Emerald has been a source of fascination and reverence in many cultures for over six thousand years, sold in the markets of Babylon as early as 4,000 B.C. It was a stone worshipped by the Incas, believed by the Chaldeans to contain a goddess, and was highly honored in all major religions for its spiritual power and beauty. Emerald was considered a symbol of eternal life in ancient Egypt, a gift of Thoth, the god of wisdom, and was a favorite jewel of Queen Cleopatra. The Emerald mines in Upper Egypt, rediscovered a hundred years ago, are some of the oldest in the world and were called Cleopatra’s mines for her love of the stone. Emeralds were also talismans of Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, and the moguls of India. They’ve adorned the crowns and royal jewels of many countries for centuries, and fabulous collections and stunning gems continue to be treasured and displayed by the rich and famous today.

The pure exuberance of Emerald’s green color has inspired the Pantone Company, the industry standard for print, fashion, beauty and décor to declare “Emerald” the 2013 Color of the Year, describing it as “Lively. Radiant. Lush…a color of elegance and beauty that enhances our sense of well-being, balance and harmony.”

Natural, transparent Emerald is one of four “precious” gemstones (including Diamond, Ruby and Sapphire), and is the green variety of Beryl, a beryllium aluminum silicate mineral colored by trace amounts of chromium and/or vanadium. Emerald occurs in hues ranging from yellow-green to blue-green, with the finest being a pure verdant green hue, medium to dark in tone. Light colored gems are usually known by the species name, Green Beryl. Most Emeralds are highly included with surface breaking fissures, so their toughness, or resistance to breakage, is usually classified as generally poor.

According to Indian lore, the name Emerald was first translated from Sanskrit as Marakata, meaning the green of growing things. The term we use today is believed to derive from an ancient Persian word that translated to the Greek as Smaragdus, meaning “green stone,” the term used in antiquity and referred to a number of other green stones. Over time the Old French or Vulgar Latin versions, Esmeraulde, Esmaralda or Esmaraldus became the current name, Emerald.

While Emerald, the green variety of Beryl, may perhaps be the most famous of the family, Beryl also forms in other colors used as gems, such as blue Aquamarine, yellow Heliodor and Golden Beryl, pink Morganite, Red Beryl or Bixbite, and the colorless variety, Goshenite.

Emerald Uses and Purposes

Emerald is an excellent stone for reviving passion, whether for an interest, a person, or a job. To attract romantic love, wear or carry an Emerald out of sight near the heart. To call back an estranged love, speak the words you wish to say holding the stone close to your lips and seal it in an envelope. If appropriate, send it to the person with a message.

In tumblestone form, Emerald promotes good self-esteem, especially in restoring the confidence of young girls or teens that have been teased about their weight, or any young person made to feel inferior due to the inability to afford the latest designer goods.

While Emerald has a calming effect on the emotions, it has an invigorating effect on thought, reflection, and philosophy. It is a marvelous crystal for activating artistic creativity, and for bringing focus and intensity to one’s lifework.

Emerald is a remarkable support stone for the workplace. It increases mental acuity, strengthens memory and inspires eloquence in speech. Natural Emerald or tumblestone held for five minutes a day brings rapid recall of facts, and is ideal for occupations where visionary insight is a significant benefit. It enkindles success in business, especially for older women, and is particularly known for assistance in areas of legal affairs, trials and litigation.

Emerald brings a soothing mental and emotional equilibrium, making it extremely beneficial in stimulating cooperation and understanding within a group of people. It is also helpful in relieving claustrophobia.

Emerald Physical Healing Energy


Emerald imparts a wonderful rejuvenating quality, thought to combat aging and when placed appropriately, to re-vitalize tired organs. It is a strong healer of the physical heart, and may be useful in treating the lungs, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and kidneys, as well as the spine and muscle system. It aids recovery after infectious illness, and its powerful green ray can assist healing of malignant conditions.

Emerald is considered to be the best gem for treating the eyes and for restoring eyesight. An eye bath of Emerald water is soothing to the eyes and may alleviate eye infections. Drinking an Emerald elixir is also reputed to soothe gas and cardiac weaknesses, and is an excellent stimulant in treating gout and strengthening memory.

This stone is believed to ward off epilepsy, and may be used to avert fever, headaches, allergies and sinusitis. It also relieves eczema, rashes and skin irritations.  Emerald may be used to increase fertility and for support during childbirth.

Emerald Emotional Healing Energy

Emerald is a crystal of the heart, alleviating heaviness in the emotional field and nourishing the aura with an energy of hope, encouragement, gentleness and abundance. It heals heartbreak and gives the strength needed to overcome the misfortunes of life, clearing away negative patterns of victimization and loss of personal power by strengthening the physical and emotional heart centers. It is a stone of regeneration and recovery, bringing in freshness and vitality, love and compassion - for the self as well as for others.

Emerald Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy


Emerald is the stone which most represents the energy patterns of the activated Heart Chakra, the wellspring of the emotions. The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the breastbone. It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist, giving us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment. When the Heart Chakra is out of balance we may feel either controlling or controlled in a relationship, and become critical of the little foibles of others. We may find ourselves having inappropriately strong emotional responses to everyday external stimuli. Green crystal energy is used to resolve blockages and to re-balance the Heart Chakra, helping us understand our own needs and emotions clearly.  We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes.

Emerald also stimulates the high heart, or transpersonal Love center just above and to the left of the Heart Chakra. It assists one in practicing compassion and respectful understanding of others.

Emerald Spiritual Energy


A stone of aspiration and inspiration, Emerald opens the heart, clearing and strengthening one’s connection to Divine Love, and sustaining one in their spiritual journey. It encourages one to live and act from the heart, offering unconditional love and compassion in daily life and relationships, and to be open to receive love from others.

A strong and open heart also allows universal blessings to flow into one’s life. Emerald stimulates not only the hope of wealth in material possessions and financial standing, but allows one to experience true abundance beyond mere wealth. Abundance is the ability to receive the gifts of Spirit within all of life’s experiences and embrace its manifestations with gratitude. It encourages trust that the Universe will provide for all of one’s needs and that there can be no lack in reality.

Emerald Color Energy

Emerald is the purest crystal of the Green Ray. It is a growth crystal - a powerful conduit of the earth’s Life Force of birth, development and creation, and of the power of nature’s constant renewal. It is a potent aid in nurturing, whether of fledgling family relationships or a new business venture. Emerald is perfect for keeping a venture on course, a project on schedule, and life on track. Lighter Green crystals promote spiritual growth and renewed commitment to a higher purpose. Those of a darker hue are talismans of physical growth and strength, and safety in travel.

Meditation with Emerald

Emerald helps one to embrace and maintain the rhythmic breathing conducive to entering and attaining depth in the meditative state. Once achieved, it assists in maintaining the cool brilliance of deliberate reflection and emitting the radiance of light.

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals

The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
Author Uma Sibey-Crystal Ball Gazing
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books. I always keep reading and surfing on internet also, so I have gather many information and also done practical experience about the crystal energy.
I have enjoyed the benefit of crystal healing, but any information on uses and properties included with this listing (which has been gathered from reputable sources, such as Judy Hall and Michael Gienger's books on crystal healing etc) do not, under any circumstances, constitute a claim on behalf of the Seller. The information given is not intended to act as a substitute for medical treatment, nor will any guarantees be given for any spiritual or metaphysical qualities.
Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones
Jennifer Altman, Gem and Stone: Jewelry of Earth, Sea, and Sky.
Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible
William T. Fernie, The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals
Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 1 and 2
George Frederick Kunz, The Curious Lore of Precious Stones
Florence Megemont, The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals
Dorothee L. Mella, Stone Power II
Melody, Love Is In The Earth.
Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment
Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones

Friday, July 20, 2018


Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Diamond

A legend claims the God of Mines called his courtiers to bring together all the world’s known gems: Rubies, Sapphires, Emeralds, etc. etc., and he found them to be of all tints and colors and varying hardnesses. He took one of each and crushed them; he compounded them together, and declared, “Let this be something that will combine the beauty of all.” He spoke, and lo, the Diamond was born…pure as a dewdrop and invincible in hardness. Yet when its ray is resolved in the spectrum, it displays all the colors of the gems from which it was made.

Though it is a gem of winter, the color of ice, Diamond is a crystal of Light; its high frequency energy is dispersed into flashing prisms of brilliant “fire” that typifies the sun. It is a spiritual stone, a symbol of perfection and illumination, activating the Crown and Etheric Chakras. It enhances inner vision and stimulates creativity, imagination, and ingenuity, opening the mind to the “new” and “possible.” Placed on the Third Eye, a Diamond encourages psychic development, and is a valuable tool for remote viewing, telepathic communication and clairvoyance.

In addition to its spiritual power, Diamond has an unconquerable hardness and has been known since antiquity as a “Stone of Invincibility,” bringing victory, superior strength, fortitude and courage to its wearer. It is associated with lightning and fearlessness, and for its properties of protection. It is a symbol of wealth and manifesting abundance in one’s life, an amplifier of energies, goals and intent, and is highly effective in magnifying the vibrations of other crystals for healing. It is particularly beneficial set in gold and worn on the left arm.

The Diamond, in its rarity and beauty, is a symbol of purity and innocence, of love and fidelity, and embraces strength of character, ethics, and faithfulness to oneself and others. It is indicative of the loving and open nature with which one came into the physical realm, and encourages the aspect of truth and trust. It is a love-bearing crystal, regarded in antiquity as dependable in its virtues only when received as a gift. Today the engagement ring, wedding ring, and other articles of jewelry symbolize the gift of persons in love.   

Perfect in structure, Diamond is referred to as the “king of gems,” unique in its powers of light reflection and dispersion, and the hardest natural substance known. Composed of pure carbon, the foundational element of life, it is the one and only “10” on the hardness scale, crystallized deep in the earth’s mantle under intense heat and pressure. Its name is derived from the Greek adamas, meaning “indomitable,” “unbreakable,” or “untamable,” and diaphanus, meaning “transparent.”

Diamond’s crystal symmetry is cubic, forming in a variety of octahedrons, triangles, cubes and amorphous shapes, and may be transparent, translucent or opaque, with a greasy luster and perfect cleavage. Diamond is most often thought of as colorless, though it also forms in white, black, and various shades of yellow, brown, blue, green, pink, red, champagne-tan, cognac-brown, and very rarely, lilac. While quality Diamonds are carefully cut into gems and used in jewelry, lesser Diamonds are used in industrial applications, especially for cutting and polishing. For metaphysical use, Diamond crystals are preferred to cut Diamonds because the natural shape acts to strengthen and harmonize the energies moving through them.

Diamond Uses and Purposes

Diamonds are great conductors and amplifiers of energy, absorbing thoughts and feelings then radiating them outward. Remain positive while holding or wearing Diamonds to project empowering thoughts around you and attract a positive reaction from others. They can be useful in the workplace for a congenial atmosphere, or for expanding the field of opportunities in attracting prosperity. Be aware, however, Diamonds increase negative energies as well as positive, and while they never need re-charging, it is a good idea to cleanse their energies from time to time.

A Diamond is a symbol of wealth, accumulation and the manifestation of abundance. It is also an ideal stone for the ascetic who has given up on material wealth, choosing it instead as an object for diligent contemplation and deep meditation. The fact it must be cut to reveal its beauty compares to the inner, spiritual beauty of the human being.

Diamond crystals assist in relieving fear and anxiety, overactive imaginations and hallucinations. It is great for clearing a room before bedtime to prevent nightmares, and may be used to cleanse an area of unwanted entities.

Rough Diamond elixir is marvelous for counteracting exhaustion. Add a few drops in the bath to re-energize. [Eason, 136] Raw crystals are ideal for healing to bring clarity of energy to any part of the body or any level of the energy field. Faceted gems may be used to infuse the aura with full-spectrum Light energy, reflecting all hues and frequencies for strengthening and cleansing.

According to the German mystic, Hildegard of Bingen, sucking on a Diamond will keep one from lying. It will also fool hunger, making it easier to fast.

Diamond Physical Healing Energy

Diamond is considered a master healer for its ability to unify the mind and body. It is best used as a support stone, amplifying the powers of other minerals when working on specific issues, especially where congestion of energy has caused a physical imbalance.

The Diamond is beneficial in purifying and strengthening brain function, nerves and sensory organs. It is thought to aid in balancing the brain hemispheres, and to be good for strokes, epilepsy, and to combat aging of the cells and restoring energy levels. It should be avoided in cases of paranoid psychosis, depressive manias, and obsessive jealousy.

Diamonds have been used to cure constipation, urine retention, and in general, all organs concerned with removing waste from the body. Applying a Diamond at the kidneys is reputed to accelerate the evacuation of stones. As the effect will persist after it has been removed, it is recommended to proceed in short sessions of five minutes.

Diamond Emotional Healing Energy

While Diamonds do not work directly on the emotional body, their intense energy can amplify the power of any emotional state, from bliss to despair, and should be worn with vigilance. It may even be necessary to remove them if one is in a particularly bad frame of mind. However, Diamonds infuse all levels of the energetic self with Light and may be used therapeutically to intensify and “burn through” underlying emotional issues, allowing one to feel lighter, more joyful, and more aligned with Spirit. 

Diamond Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy

Diamond carries a high-frequency energy that stimulates and opens all of the chakras, especially the Crown and Etheric Chakras.

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head, and is our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies. It controls how we think, and how we respond to the world around us. It is the fountainhead of our beliefs and the source of our spirituality. It connects us to the higher planes of existence and is the source of universal energy and truth. When the Crown is in balance, our energies are in balance. We know our place in the universe and see things as they are. We are unruffled by setbacks, knowing they are an essential part of life.

Etheric Chakras are considered to be above the head and are attuned to higher, more spiritually enlightened things. They embody true humility and provide a soul connection, the highest self-illumination, and a cosmic doorway to other worlds. Diamonds in particular identify with the immortal part of the self - personal identification with the Infinite, and oneness with God, peace and wisdom.

Diamond Spiritual Energy

For anyone who has lost their identity or self-worth, is confused, reluctant or unable to step into their spiritual destiny in this life, the Diamond brings a sense of radiance, a loving energy that clears the aura and fills the emptiness with purity and Light. It links with the Divine, and as the evolution and required growth manifests within the heart, it allows the soul’s light to shine out and be shared with others.

Diamond also encourages one to look at the struggles and hardships of life and see if the lessons and growth they’ve provided can be used in a positive way. The Diamond lends strength in dealing with high-pressure situations and assists in responding with grace. It asks us to be a model of fortitude in times of adversity, and helps one understand it is in these difficult times our behavior reveals our true inner beauty and our soul’s knowledge. 

Meditation with Diamond

Diamond crystals are perfect transducers, allowing the high-frequency vibrational energies of the spirit realms to be more available to the conscious self. Used in meditation, especially when placed on the Third Eye, these crystals facilitate the entry into meaningful visionary states and may heighten one’s psychic powers. Placing a second Diamond over the heart activates the energetic circuit between the two vital centers and influences them to act in synergistic union as Nature intended.

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals


The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
Author Uma Sibey-Crystal Ball Gazing
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books. I always keep reading and surfing on internet also, so I have gather many information and also done practical experience about the crystal energy.
I have enjoyed the benefit of crystal healing, but any information on uses and properties included with this listing (which has been gathered from reputable sources, such as Judy Hall and Michael Gienger's books on crystal healing etc) do not, under any circumstances, constitute a claim on behalf of the Seller. The information given is not intended to act as a substitute for medical treatment, nor will any guarantees be given for any spiritual or metaphysical qualities.


Introduction and uses.

The Tektite is known for raising one’s vibrations and strengthening the aura, making it a wonderful stone for those who are working to spiritually advance in this lifetime. One can work with the Tektite during meditation to expand consciousness beyond current limitations, and bring deeper insights into current situations or problems.

Those who are having trouble with negative entities can use Tektite in their pillowcase to help deter them. Regular work with Tektite can activate and enhance psychic abilities, is thought to encourage telepathy, and can help with lucid dreaming and astral travel. Tektite can sometimes increase the frequency of synchronicities, making it helpful for manifestation programs. Those who consistently carry Tektite during their spiritual work may begin to experience a thinning of the veil between dimensions.

Tektites offer some healing energies to help with the increase in vibration of human beings. Those experiencing blockages in the lower chakras will benefit from the ability of Tektite to clear them, although it is not a grounding stone. The Tektite can create a powerful energetic link between the lowest and highest chakras, facilitating the free flow of energy throughout the subtle bodies. Working with Tektite can enhance the ability to discern between truth and falsehoods one encounters in daily life.

Physically, Tektites help to enhance and accelerate healing from illness and injuries. Placed on the Third-Eye Chakra, Tektite can enhance the integration of higher energies received from other realms. The unique energies of the Tektite are immediately noticeable to those sensitive to the energies of crystals. Tektites are commonly regarded as stones of luck in many cultures.

Currently, there is some controversy surrounding the origins of Tektite. Some archaeologists suggest that these glassy Tektites were formed by some sort of atomic explosion. Others feel that the Tektite is a natural glass formed from a meteorite impact melting the local rock. There are many theories about how this could have occurred and is the subject of continuing debates.

These are Natural Tektite Formations which is Silica formed by the impact of meteorites on the Earth's surface. Tektites are found all over the planet and are commonly regarded as stones of luck in many cultures. The extraterrestrial energies of Tektite are immediately noticeable to those sensitive to the energies of crystals.

Tektite is known for raising ones vibrations and strengthening the aura, making it a wonderful stone for those who are working to spiritually advance in this lifetime. One can work with Tektite during meditation to expand consciousness beyond current limitations and bring deeper insights into current situations or problems. Those who are having trouble with negative entities can use Tektite in their pillowcase to help deter them. Regular work with Tektite can activate and enhance psychic abilities, is thought to encourage telepathy, and can help with lucid dreaming and astral travel. Tektite can sometimes increase the frequency of synchronicities, making it helpful for manifestation programs. Those who consistently carry Tektite during their spiritual work may begin to experience a thinning of the veil between dimensions.

Tektite offers some healing energies to help with the increase in vibration of human beings. Those experiencing blockages in the lower chakras will benefit from the ability of Tektite to clear them, although it is not a grounding stone. Tektite can create a powerful energetic link between the lowest and highest chakras, facilitating the free flow of energy throughout the subtle bodies. Working with Tektite can enhance the ability to discern between the truths and falsehoods one encounters in daily life. All meteorites, including Tektite, are believed to help people in their ascension process into the higher realities.

Physically, Tektite is believed to enhance and accelerate healing from illness and injuries. Placed on the Third-Eye Chakra, Tektite can enhance the integration of higher energies received from other realms.

Tektite is good for both Aries and Cancer.

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals

The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
Author Uma Sibey-Crystal Ball Gazing
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books. I always keep reading and surfing on internet also, so I have gather many information and also done practical experience about the crystal energy.
I have enjoyed the benefit of crystal healing, but any information on uses and properties included with this listing (which has been gathered from reputable sources, such as Judy Hall and Michael Gienger's books on crystal healing etc) do not, under any circumstances, constitute a claim on behalf of the Seller. The information given is not intended to act as a substitute for medical treatment, nor will any guarantees be given for any spiritual or metaphysical qualities.


Introduction to the Meaning and Uses

A most beautiful and powerful crystal of the Violet Ray energy, Sugilite is a premier love stone for this age, embodying the perfection of Divine love and the manifestation of this energy on the Earth plane. It brings the gifts of wisdom and spiritual devotion, helping one to understand that Truth is the highest form of love, and living in one’s own truth is not only healing but empowering. Working with, wearing or meditating with Sugilite amplifies the ability to channel high frequency Violet energy into every aspect of one’s being in order to walk the Earth in strength and grace. Sugilite reminds the soul of its reasons for incarnating, and enhances one’s understanding of the lessons which have been chosen for this journey on the physical realm.

An exceptional crystal for awakening the Crown Chakra, Sugilite infuses the body with light, bringing spiritual and unconditional love in through the Crown and down to the Base Chakra, aligning all of the chakras as it goes. It is a powerful attractor of healing energies, and has surfaced to further an awareness of the connection between the well-being of the mind and the well-being of the body. Its use helps counter the mental and emotional stresses that create many of the illnesses and diseases of the physical body. Sugilite ’s frequency allows one to recognize and release the harshness of the world, and to let go of sorrow, frustration, past angers and fear. It brings light and love into the darkest of situations, letting one know life is more than what is currently being experienced. It offers hope and optimism for a better future, enabling one to accept the here and now. Sugilite encourages forgiveness, of oneself and others, and instills confidence and a sense of freedom. It is an especially joyful stone for those who never quite fit in, and for light workers who find it difficult to adjust to the vibration of Earth.

Sugilite is a splendid stone for the realm of dreams, lending access to one’s innermost thoughts, yearnings and beliefs. Meditating or dreaming with this vivid crystal opens the Third Eye, Crown and Etheric Chakras, greatly increasing the depth of one’s experience and allowing the imagery one receives to be rich in significance and symbolic meaning. It assists one in remembering night dreams and aids lucid dreaming, and supports one in recalling the dreams one may have had for one’s life and somehow put aside, or in recovering the dreams one’s soul had for this lifetime.

Sugilite is a relatively rare cyclosilicate of the Osumilite group, a potassium sodium lithium iron manganese aluminum silicate mineral. Its form is usually granular to massive, though rarely it forms in tiny prismatic crystals. It is named for Dr. Ken-ichi Sugi, a Japanese petrologist who discovered the first specimens in 1944 on Iwagi Islet, Japan. The mineral’s name is pronounced erroneously more often than correctly, usually with a soft "g" as in “gene” when it should be pronounced with a hard “g” as in “geese.” Specimens found in Japan were often a light brownish-yellow rock-forming mineral, classified and soon forgotten. It is the bright purple lapidary rock found in South Africa that brought its gem properties to popularity, especially as a New Age Stone in the 1980’s. Its color ranges from pale lilac or pink, to reddish-violet into deep purple, with a rich magenta-purple shade considered to be the most precious, especially in the translucent form known as “gel.” Though Sugilite is found in Japan, Canada, and a few other localities, most deposits of this violet stone come from very deep manganese mines in South Africa. Sugilite is also called Luvulite, Lavulite, Royal Azel, Royal Lavulite, and Royal Lazelle.

Sugilite Uses and Purposes

Sugilite is one of the very best crystals for those who are highly sensitive and take on whatever energies are around them. Wear or carry Sugilite to create a warm, protective shield of Light, keeping the wearer impervious to negativity and the disharmony of others. In times of discouragement or despair, place Sugilite on the Third Eye to draw in comforting energy and a flow of gentle, loving information from the spiritual world to bring peace and relaxation to the emotional body.

Use Sugilite with strong layers of black manganese to relieve headaches and dispel pain, discomfort of all sorts, and general feelings of disorder. Simply hold the stone and allow the pain and negative energy to be transferred into the manganese and Sugilite. It may also be used for healing environments, and for use in crystal layouts. In order to keep Sugilite at its best, be sure to cleanse after use.

Wearing or carrying Sugilite encourages a wonderful sense of freedom, with love vibrating in all aspects of one’s being. It creates an awareness of everything as perfect, and in line with one’s chosen soul path. Its energy infuses one with inspiration, creativity and confidence, and enkindles the desire to release the past and move forward in peace and great joy.
Sugilite is a marvelous stone for helping children feel safe and centered, and to adapt to the world around them. Place on a nightstand or under the pillow to counter insomnia, ward off nightmares, and encourage nurturing, vivid dreams. A small piece in a child’s pocket or backpack boosts confidence and eases social situations; it is also thought to provide extra support for children with autism, dyslexia and other learning disabilities, as well as those with extra-sensory gifts. Pink Sugilite is good for resolving inner hurt, and can be especially consoling for adopted children who have tracked down their birth parents and were rejected.

Pink Sugilite is a powerful love crystal, especially in shades of magenta or fuchsia. Wear as jewelry to attract a kindred spirit, and to avoid sentimentality in relationships yet encourage commitment in good times and bad. Pink Sugilite instills a love of life and the belief of inherent goodness in people.

An excellent stone for spiritual quests, Sugilite protects the soul from all forms of negativity and enhances one’s psychic powers. It is particularly useful for increasing one’s channeling ability, and for releasing the pain associated with the loss of the person channeled. It may also aid in the psychic development of automatic writing. Journal daily using this stone to help open up this gift.

Sugilite Physical Healing Energy

Sugilite promotes an understanding of the mind/body connection and how illness and disease may result from chronic stress, emotional turmoil and lack of love. Its energy is believed to bring the nerve centers and brain hemispheres into balance, calming the senses and energetically releasing tension, fear, and psychosomatic dis-ease. It is thought to relieve emotional disturbances and psychiatric disorders, neurotransmitter glitches, or brain malfunctions such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, epilepsy, and motor dysfunction. It is a good stone for those suffering from paranoia, schizophrenia, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Sugilite has also been used to bring support for autism and Asperger’s syndrome, and to relieve insomnia and sleep disturbance.

Manganese within Sugilite helps absorb negative energy and is an excellent pain reliever, especially for headaches, joint pain and discomfort. It may be beneficial for fighting off viruses and inflammation, and is one of the premier stones to aid in the treatments of cancer by lifting despair, calming emotions, and channeling healing energy into the body.

Sugilite may be useful in treating iron deficiencies, asthma, allergies and other lung-related health issues, as well as increasing physical stamina and endurance. Light colored Sugilite is considered especially beneficial for cleansing and purifying the lymph system. Place on the groin, under the arms, along the clavicles or over the spleen and liver to cleanse toxic blood conditions

Sugilite Emotional Healing

Sugilite is an extraordinary healer of the emotional body, a grounding force for all who are socially awkward, suffering from mental illness, or who simply feel Earth is not their home. Its energy alleviates grief and sorrow, hopelessness, and lends the strength to face difficulties and recognize there is a bigger picture of which one is an integral part. Sugilite helps one let go of the past and move forward in a positive way, releasing unwanted thoughts, memories or life experiences that run over and over, keeping the mind from peace.

Sugilite is a wonderful aid for eliminating anger, hostility, jealousy, and prejudices. It encourages forgiveness and helps cultivate the ability to love and be loved without neediness. It is highly supportive of working with groups, by resolving group difficulties and fostering good communication between all. 

Sugilite Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy


Sugilite is primarily a stone for opening the Crown Chakra, not for escape into the higher-vibrational realms, but for drawing in and grounding Light on Earth through one’s own being. Its energy flows from the Crown down to the Base Chakra, opening and balancing all as it goes.
Sugilite is a vital ally in connecting the mind to the wisdom of the Third Eye; and is highly effective at the Heart Chakra, stimulating a resonant love which can be felt by others and is in tune with the vibration of the perfect state of the universe. Sugilite is also able to connect the Third-Eye, Crown and Etheric chakras, in activating inner vision and the realms of dreams.

Sugilite Spiritual Energy

Sugilite is perhaps the most powerful stone for calling in the Violet Flame of purification, a process of energetic cleansing and burning away of the gray spots in the auric field. Wearing or carrying Sugilite can remove negative attachments and karmic influences, and keep parasitic entities from the astral plane from remaining in one’s aura. It dislodges and dispels toxic influences from one’s inner and outer environments, and serves to speed up one’s spiritual development. Sugilite helps one explore the foundations of one’s truth and search the soul memory for answers to the questions, Why am I here and What am I meant to do? It can accompany one into past lives or the between-lives state to discover, forgive and lovingly release causes of dis-ease from the past, and to gain a new understanding of the lessons chosen for this incarnation. Sugilite further assists in determining ways to bring one’s gifts and special uniqueness to this world in order to be a beacon of spiritual light to others.

Sugilite Color Energy

Sugilite utilizes the Violet Ray, the darker hue of winter’s majesty, the time just after the winter solstice. It inspires awe, and invites a feeling of mystery and magic, nobility and luxury. It is one of the most powerful rays in nature, helping us interpret our dreams and inspiring us to great deeds and accomplishments. Dark violet crystals are dream talismans, providing insight and giving us a window to the soul beyond ordinary understanding. Lavender talismans, the lighter shade of violet, provide not only the wisdom of self, but focuses on our feelings and understanding our hidden yearnings. They’re crystals of the free, unfettered intellect and heart.

Meditation with Sugilite


Meditating with Sugilite gives one the ability to channel high frequency Violet energy into the mind, and the insights are astonishing. Its energy flows in and down from the Crown Chakra, bringing deep spiritual love and wisdom, as well as a marvelous flow of chi throughout the system. When working with Sugilite the mind becomes attuned to the spirit, directing its healing force back through the mind and into the body. Repeated use of this stone allows one to establish conscious control over the mental vision one has for the physical body and to tap one’s own infinite resources to direct and effect healing. For those suffering from chronic pain or struggling to discover their life’s purpose, daily meditation with Sugilite is recommended. Sugilite is also superb when used in conjunction with Amethyst and placed over the Third Eye center to usher the mind into meditative states capable of incredible wisdom, and to increase the effect of Sugilite’ s aura of protection.


The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
Author Uma Sibey-Crystal Ball Gazing
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books. I always keep reading and surfing on internet also, so I have gather many information and also done practical experience about the crystal energy.
I have enjoyed the benefit of crystal healing, but any information on uses and properties included with this listing (which has been gathered from reputable sources, such as Judy Hall and Michael Gienger's books on crystal healing etc) do not, under any circumstances, constitute a claim on behalf of the Seller. The information given is not intended to act as a substitute for medical treatment, nor will any guarantees be given for any spiritual or metaphysical qualities.

Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones
Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible
William T. Fernie, The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals
Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 1 2
George Frederick Kunz, The Curious Lore of Precious Stones
Margaret Lembo The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, & Stones
Florence Megemont, The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals
Dorothee L. Mella, Stone Power II
Melody, Love Is In The Earth
Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment
Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones 

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Dalmatian Stone

Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Dalmatian Stone 

The Dalmatian Stone appeals to the child within us all, fortifying the spirit and encouraging a sense of playfulness. It is particularly beneficial for those who are overly analytical, returning some of the intellectual carefulness back into the physical joy of simply being. It has a grounding energy, supportive of family and loyalty, and has a calming influence for children and animals.

Dalmatian Stone, incorrectly called Dalmatian Jasper, is pale gray, cream or beige-brown stone made of feldspar and quartz.  with black or brown spots of iron oxide, tourmaline, or other mineral inclusions that resemble the coat of a Dalmatian breed of dog. Known for its protective and healing properties, this mineral's vibrational energy is slow, though quite effective, and should be used long term.

Uses and Purposes

The determination within Dalmatian Stone encourages one to carefully think over plans for any project, reflecting on every phase of development, and then to translate the ideas into actuality with enthusiasm and vigor. It is an excellent talisman for the early stages of setting up a business or solo venture.

An excellent anti-smoking crystal, Dalmatian Stone strengthens the resolve to quit smoking and provides the determination needed to succeed.

Dalmatian Stone encourages fidelity and emotional harmony, strengthening family bonds and long-term friendships. It encourages team effort and cooperation at work.

Children benefit on all levels from this beautiful stone, particularly at night to assure safe sleep and in preventing dreams of monsters and other nightmares.

As a Jasper whose properties reflect its appearance, Dalmatian Stone is remarkably successful for calming, training and healing pets, especially dogs. It is the perfect crystal to assist in turning your love of dogs into a profession, such as breeder, trainer, or handler in any field, and for those who rescue injured or abandoned animals. It also assists in the ability to overcome an irrational fear of dogs.

Dalmatian Jasper supports the body’s physical balance and is a great stone for those who engage in the martial arts, tai chi, or chi gung. Its ability to balance yin-yang energy helps one capture the essence of this art for good health and well-being.

Physical Healing Energy

Dalmatian Stone stimulates the nerves and reflex actions, and is beneficial to the muscles, tendons and cartilage. It also helps prevent strains, sprains and muscle spasms.

It is thought to boost the immune system and remove toxins, and to assist with bowel disorders, particularly IBS and constipation. It is also useful in the treatment of skin problems and allergic rashes.

Emotional Healing Energy

If life has become burdensome and all sense of joy seems to be lost, wearing or carrying a Dalmatian Stone can reawaken a sense of fun and humor. It has a fortifying, restorative and emotionally harmonizing effect, counteracting disillusion, cynicism and skepticism. Its Tourmaline inclusions quickly dissipate negative energy and outworn patterns, moving you forward in life.

Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy

Dalmatian Stone opens the Base, Sacral and Earth Chakras, grounding and assisting one in coming to terms joyfully with being in incarnation.

The Base, or Root Chakra, is located at the base of the spine, and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body. When the Base Chakra is in balance, the physical body gains strength and stamina, and spiritual energy is rekindled in the form of security and sense of one's own power. It often leads to independence and spontaneous leadership.

The Sacral Chakra, or Second Chakra, is located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity and Life Force of the body.

The Earth Chakra is located between and slightly below the feet. It holds the soul into carnation and creates a solid connection to the planet Earth, allowing excess and out-of-balance energies to flow from the body.

Dalmatian Stone Color Energy

Dalmatian Stone embodies the rich, brown rays of the natural earth. It is the color influence of home, hearth, and nature, of comfort and connection. It lets you relax, reconnect, and regain your composure. It is a grounding stone. Brown crystals promote security and stability.

The black spots have a definite influence in this stone. Their energy deepens our connection to the physical, natural world. It brings power and strength, relieving fears specifically associated with the physical existence here on Earth. Dalmatian Stone offers protection and a retreat, the safety of being hidden from your enemies.

Meditation with Dalmatian Stone

Dalmatian Jasper is a marvelous tool for deepening the meditative state, especially when held in the hand. It allows one to maintain peace within the inner being and encourages the contemplation of the duality of life. It helps one to stay focused on the light in the world while still embracing the darkness.

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals

The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
Author Uma Sibey-Crystal Ball Gazing
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books. I always keep reading and surfing on internet also, so I have gather many information and also done practical experience about the crystal energy.
I have enjoyed the benefit of crystal healing, but any information on uses and properties included with this listing (which has been gathered from reputable sources, such as Judy Hall and Michael Gienger's books on crystal healing etc) do not, under any circumstances, constitute a claim on behalf of the Seller. The information given is not intended to act as a substitute for medical treatment, nor will any guarantees be given for any spiritual or metaphysical qualities.
Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones
Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible
William T. Fernie, The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals
Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 1 2
George Frederick Kunz, The Curious Lore of Precious Stones
Margaret Lembo The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, & Stones
Florence Megemont, The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals
Dorothee L. Mella, Stone Power II
Melody, Love Is In The Earth
Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment
Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones