Monday, December 15, 2014

Benefits about Amethyst

Amethyst is an enchanting purple gem stone that has been adored by royalty throughout history, all the way back to 3000 B.C. in Egypt. Yet despite its royal pedigree, it's surprisingly inexpensive.

Amethyst is thought to stimulate right-brain activity and psychic intuition. It also benefits for removing impurities from the bloodstream, strengthening immunity and relieving headaches. The ancient Greeks believed that amethyst prevented drunkenness. The name amethyst comes from the Greek word amethysts, meaning "not drunken", or "sober". Drinking wine from an amethyst receptacle was thought to allow you to drink alcohol without fear of intoxication. I could have used an amethyst glass on my last birthday!

In Greek folklore, the god of wine, Bacchus, was angry at mortal human beings and decided to send his tigers to attack the next mortal to pass by. A young woman named Amethyst crossed his path, but before Bacchus's Tigers could attack, Goddess Diana intervened, turning Amethyst into a mound of purple quartz in order to protect her. Bacchus later felt ashamed of his aggression, and cried tears of wine over Amethyst, turning her quartz body into the purple stone it is today.


While I don't believe that story literally, I do believe that amethyst purifies the bloodstream, a factor in preventing drunkenness. It also increases your intuition, perhaps bringing your mind of its drunken stupor and allowing you to discern what's happening around you.  

I know you all take good care of your temples, but in the event that you do consume alcohol, consider wearing a piece of amethyst to preserve your mental edge. But don't rely on it to drive! 

Amethyst has long been prized as an ornament and amulet. Its most common ancient application was to prevent drunkenness. The world amethyst comes from the Greek word amethystos, meaning "non-intoxicating."

This stone has a long history with religious practices. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, instructions are given for placing heart shaped amethyst on the body of the deceased.

The Chaldean Magi believed this stone protected against evil sorcery and brought success and good luck. Amethyst was also said to grant an understanding of hidden knowledge.

At one time in China, pieces of amethyst were rented to people involved in lawsuits, as the stone was said to give one a more positive outlook, thus attracting a favorable outcome.
Scientific Properties:
Mohs Hardness of 7 with a trigonal crystal structure.

Crystalline Quartz is generally what is called amethyst and it ranges in color from pale lilac to deep purple. The pale colors are sometimes called "Rose de France" and can be seen set in Victorian jewelry. The deep colors are the most valuable, particularly a rich purple with rose flashes.

Amethyst is mined in Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia and Argentina, as well as in Zambia, Namibia and other African countries. Generally, amethyst from South America tends to be available in larger sizes than African amethyst but amethyst from Africa has the reputation for having better, more saturated, color in small sizes. Very dark amethyst, mostly in small sizes, is also mined in Australia. 

Mystical Properties:
Stone of "Spirituality and Contentment" Amethysts have a soothing and relaxing effect on people, they promote healthy sleep habits when placed on the body or under the pillow.

Amethyst promotes shrewdness in business matters, gives victory and quickens the mind to help control negative thoughts.

Because the stone has trans-mutational energies, it helps to open gateways into intense and transforming spiritual experiences, and can protect the wearer from black magic. Known as a change stone, amethyst can bring about any type of change in your life and consciousness. It also breaks up old emotional thought processes and assists psychic opening in a grounding manner.

Healing Properties:
An amethyst crystal is nearly indispensable to healers. Single crystals are very beneficial but clusters are even more powerful. Powerful enough in fact that a cluster of amethyst can cleanse other stones.
When worn, amethyst will alleviate migraines. Headaches caused by nerves will subside when a amethyst cross section or geode is placed in the room. It is also used to help improve concentration. Amethyst calms mental disorders, purifies the blood, strengthens the immune system as well as balancing and healing all chakras.

People who regularly wear an amethyst necklaces are said to fascinate others with their personality and charisma.

Magical Properties:
Energy: Receptive
Element: Water
Deities: Bacchus, Dionysus, Diana

Amethyst is said to attract justice and protect against burglars and thieves. It also wards off danger and violent death.

Amethyst increases the activity in the right brain, cuts through illusion, and helps to develop the psychic abilities. It strengthens and develops intuition, inspiration, healing, and channeling as well as raising thoughts and aspirations to a higher spiritual level.

Store a small piece of amethyst with your tarot cards or runes to keep the power of the divination tools high.

Associations: Jupiter, Neptune

Traditional Birthstone for the Month of February.

Stone of Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius and Capricorn.

Amethyst brings clarity to the conscious and unconscious mind.

Chakra Classification:
Placed on the 7th, or Crown Chakra during meditation, amethyst increases concentration and confidence in life.

Amethyst is considered the other 7th, or Crown Chakra healing stone. It has many of the same qualities as clear quartz. Many people keep an Amethyst with their other stones to increase their effectiveness.

Amethyst is a good touchstone, a stone to keep in your pocket and rub several times a day for it's uplifting energy, or you can wear it on a chain around your neck, against your skin. It is said to help those with insomnia if placed under the pillow at night. 

The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books and taken from that.

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