Thursday, April 16, 2015

Lepidolite Healing Properties

Lepidolite Healing Properties

Introduction and Meaning
The original name of lepidolite was lilalite; this from the Hindu word which references a game or play. The modern title is Greek and is taken from the word lepidos, which means scale; and the word lithos, meaning stone.

Known as a stone of transition, Lepidolite helps to shift and restructure old energy patterns, bringing light and hope to a situation. Use Lepidolite to reduce stress associated with change. Lepidolite brings balance and inner peace, helping one to see reasons behind any negative experiences, so they can improve on them. Lepidolite promotes spiritual transcendence and cosmic awareness, particularly assisting in the course of meditation and/or prayer.

Lepidolite contains trace amounts of Lithium, which explains why it is so helpful for achieving emotional balance. Due to its Lithium content, Lepidolite carries the benefit of clearing away depression after the emotion has served its purpose in one's personal growth.

Lepidolite is good for helping to absorb electromagnetic pollution and is said to work best for this when placed next to the computer.

Lepidolite’s High Vibration Level Provides Healing and Awareness
Lepidolite is a crystal possessing a high frequency of vibration. It has the ability to provide calm, to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression; and is also known to aid in relieving symptoms of bipolar disorder and PTSD. If you suffer with insomnia, lepidolite can help you to obtain a peaceful night’s sleep.

Lepidolite Brings You to Introduce Change and Ascend
The lepidolite stones you have will guide you in spiritual ascension. They do this by bringing about spiritual awareness on all levels, they will bring you to see in which areas of life you need to create change. Examples of such change as lepidolite will guide you to enact include addressing your life’s theme issues, providing forgiveness where needed, caring for others and all within creation, learning to accept responsibility for your life’s setting, taking an approach of love to everything and everyone, and more.

Balances Emotions
Lepidolite provides healing with issues such as emotional outbursts, rage, and mood swings. Basically, if there is an emotional problem, lepidolite is going to enable the healing process. It will also promote healing within the immune system, endocrine system; and with all areas of skin.

Lepidolite Healing Properties
•    Helps a person move through a tough period of transition.
•    Provides healing for all types of emotional issues and blockages, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, anger, and so on.
•    Supports in releasing poor learned behavioral patterns.
•    Raises one’s vibration level.
•    Its high vibrations draw positive events and occurrences.
•    Aids in astral travel.
•    Guides you to take an approach of patience, and helps to maintain it.
•    Facilitates us to access the Akashic records.
•    Intensifies the love you feel for others as well as for yourself.
•    Helps you to break down obstacles within your life.
•    Provides an energy type which enables a positive outlook in all areas.

•    Can facilitate past life regression; and can also help you create healing within past lives revisited.
•    Supports healing from addictions and poor habits of all kinds; this including alcoholism, drug abuse, sex addiction, gambling; and over-eating as well as under-eating issues.
•    Enhances feelings of calm by providing positive energies to the nervous system.
•    Strengthens one in feeling more self-sufficient and independent.
•    Heightens communication skills.
•    Intensifies psychic abilities.
•    Provides mental clarity, and an ability to see things in order of importance within the grand scheme of things.
•    Helps provide a good, organized perspective for people in business.
•    Protects against EMF pollutants.
•    Supports healing within the immune system.
•    Offers relief from chronic fatigue.
•    Relieves intensity of allergy symptoms.
•    Aids in the healing of various skin issues.
•    Supports you to provide forgiveness to yourself, for past mistakes, and issues that brought you to experience guilt or shame.
•    Works most effectively with the pineal and crown chakras; and works secondarily well with the throat and heart chakras. 

Lepidolite Facts, Information and Properties
Lepidolite is a part of the mica mineral group. Minerals from within this grouping known as phyllosilicates are formed in thin repeating layered sheets. Lepidolite crystals are most commonly a greyish lavender, lilac, or rose color; but can also be pink.

Lepidolite wasn’t originally mined for spiritual and healing purposes. It possesses such a high content of lithium within its structure, it was originally mined solely to obtain that component.

Where Can Lepidolite be found?
Lepidolite is found in igneous rock, as well as anywhere tin and/or tourmaline are mined. Geographically lepidolite is found in Brazil, Africa, Russia, China, the USA, and in the Himalayas.

Keep lepidolite out of harsh lighting or sun as the color will fade.

Cleansing Lepidolite
Lepidolite to be clean just in simple tap water not with salt water or in the sun.

Is it Safe to Use Lepidolite in Healing Waters, Elixirs and Cocktails?
Lepidolite is considered unsuitable for use in healing waters made by soaking the crystals directly in water; this due to its aluminum content.

You may like the other post for cleaning of crystals:
•    How to clean the crystals

For purchasing any products:
•    Lepidolite products 

The above details about the crystal stones is taken from the different varieties of crystals books such as :
Author Judy Hall  - Crystal Bible 1, 2, 3
Author Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian - The Book of Stones
Author Katrina Raphaell - Crystal Enlightenment
Author Cassandra Eason - The New Crystal Bible
Author Dorothee L. Mella - Stone Power II
Author Michael Gienger - Healing Crystals
Author Uma Sibey-Crystal Ball Gazing
As I love the crystal and so I keep wonderful collection of crystal related books. I always keep reading and surfing on internet also, so I have gather many information and also done practical experience about the crystal energy.

I have enjoyed the benefit of crystal healing, but any information on uses and properties included with this listing (which has been gathered from reputable sources, such as Judy Hall and Michael Gienger's books on crystal healing etc) do not, under any circumstances, constitute a claim on behalf of the Seller. The information given is not intended to act as a substitute for medical treatment, nor will any guarantees be given for any spiritual or metaphysical qualities.

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